Proverbs 3:5-12
Trust GOD from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own.
Trust is the very essence of faith; trust in the God who is trustworthy.
‘Trust in the Lord’ is a central theme in the Psalms. Time and time again, God is the acknowledged as the source of all true security and strength. This is contrasted with trust in chariots, horses, weapons, wealth or princes (Psalm 20:7; 118:8-9). We can easily think of the modern day equivalents. Trust placed in the wrong things is close to idolatry.
Trust is essential to human life and lies at the heart of all relationships. Trust entails vulnerability, putting yourself in others’ hands. We have to trust experts - pilots, dentists, surgeons. Yet, within our society, there often seems to be mutual distrust between people and those responsible for governing them.
Marriage is founded on trust and is a God-given framework in which human trust can be developed. The wording of the Christian marriage vows sends out a strong message in a society where the breakdown of trust is widespread.
Trust is central to civilised society, to living together in harmony, so it is to be valued
and honoured. With wisdom and discernment, we can relearn to trust. We can begin to rebuild trust in our mistrustful society by being reliable ourselves, by not letting people down. Similarly, when we work with others, if we are willing to let go of control ourselves and trust in the abilities and integrity of others, everyone can be enriched. Jesus, after all, entrusted his ongoing work to his disciples and ultimately to us.
In Term 1, the children who were voted by their peers to win the Trust award were:
Ladybirds - Finley
Butterflies - Angelina
Barn Owls - Leo
Red Squirrels - Mayah
Hedgehogs - Tony
Rabbits - Sarai
Puffins - Jaxon
Woodpeckers - Fikemi
Kingfishers - Rhys
Otters - Luther
Badgers - Jason
Robins - Seraiah
Swans - Lora
Foxes - Adiel