Term 2
This term, Year 4 will be learning about the Invaders and Settlers (Anglo-Saxons and Vikings). Our key question this term is "Why did the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings choose to settle in Britain?"
Year 4 will have the amazing opportunity to travel to Canterbury Cathedral in Week 1 to explore Anglo-Saxons further through taking part in a costume trail and a guided tour of the building itself. The pupils will apply their new found knowledge during their class-based learning. They will look at famous names from this period of time, such as Edward the Successor, Alfred the Great and of course the legend of King Arthur!
If there is ever anything you would like to know about your child's learning or if you have any questions, please feel free to fill out the form on our home page.
Pupils: In order to take Accelerated Reader quizzes log-on here.
Below is the homework tasks for this term. Please choose one to complete each week in your red books. Homework is handed out on Wednesday, and is due back into school on the Monday.
Spellings for this week are below. They correlate with our Oxford Owl spelling scheme, which is taught in school. Spellings are pre-tested on a Wednesday to get a baseline score, and then tested on the following Monday to see the children's progress after learning them. All children are tested on the Star Spellings, which acts as a recall activity to keep these high frequency words embedded.