Term 2
Icebergs and Glaciers
This term, in Year 6, we will be continuing our learning on the Polar regions. We will be focusing on Arctic explorers such as Shackleton, Henson and Franklin and the challenges that they faced on their Arctic expeditions.
If there is ever anything you would like to know about your child's learning or if you have any questions, please feel free to fill out the form on our home page.
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Homework tasks
Week 4
Set: 27/11/24 Test: 02/12/24
cemetery, dictionary, secretary, voluntary, February, surgery, library, history, crockery, battery, vocabulary, precautionary
Week 3
Set: 20/11/24 Test: 26/11/24
co-operate, co-produced, co-exist, re-emerge, re-enter, reignite, enjoyable, valuable, vegetable, incredibly, reliably, respectably
Week 2
Set: 13/11/24 Test: 18/11/24
guarantee, queue, average, language, privilege, signature, temperature, familiar, leisure, neighbour, soldier, foreign
Week 1
Set: 06/11/24 Test: 11/11/24
mysterious, poisonous, devious, vicious, conscious, adventurous, mischievous, miraculous, ravenous, fabulous, tremendously, previously