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Holy Trinity Church of England
Primary School

Growing Tomorrow's Leaders

Term 2

Term 2


Welcome back to an exciting term in Year 3! This term, we are building up to Christmas, but we have lots of exciting learning opportunities planned in before then!


RE - We will be learning about Incarnation - focusing on baptism and the role that it plays in Christianity.  


English - We will be focusing on two fantastic texts - The Wild Robot and The Ice Palace and getting a range of writing from them, including an instructional text and narrative. 


Maths - We will be focusing on multiplication and division before moving on to consolidating our knowledge of the four operations and then fractions.


History - We will be focusing on The Ice Age - a frosty time period where woolly mammoths and sabre tooth tigers roamed the glaciers. 


Science - We will be focusing on ROCKS and their features. The pupils will learn the three types and be able to classify them. 


D.T. - We will be focusing on creating a light-up information poster and applying it to a secret Christmas project. 


Computing - We will be focusing on branching databases and their application in real-life. 


Music - We will be beginning to learn the recorder, focusing on the notes BAG and then applying this to some simple Christmas carols.  


P.E. - We will be learning how to orienteer and play handball. 


French - We will be learning how to talk about animals and birthdays, among other topics. 


PSHE - We will be looking at celebrating differences. 


Please help your child by supporting them with daily reading, spellings and homework. As the Winter months are drawing in, please send your child in with appropriate PE kit and a Winter coat.


We look forward to an exciting term of learning and to welcoming you all to the Christingle Service on 28th November 2024.