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Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School home page

Holy Trinity Church of England
Primary School

Growing Tomorrow's Leaders


French Curriculum Intent (School Vision)


At Holy Trinity School, we believe that the learning of a foreign language provides our pupils with an invaluable experience in educational, social and cultural terms. Learning another language widens their world, develops their communication skills and helps them to understand better their own culture and the culture of others.


National Curriculum Modern Foreign Languages Programmes of Study


The MFL Curriculum for KS2 follows the broad guidelines set out in the KS2 Framework for Languages (DFE, 2005) and the new NC – Programs of Study (DFE-00174-2013). Accordingly, the focus of study is practical communication.


How is French implemented in our school?


The teaching of French starts early in school, with all children from Year R to Year 6 being taught French consistently. We use both Little Languages and Salut! to implement the curriculum within class.

The children are taught how to:

  • identify and read words;
  • ask and answer questions;
  • use correct pronunciation and grammar;
  • memorise vocabulary;
  • interpret meaning;
  • understand basic grammar;
  • work in pairs and groups and communicate in a foreign language;
  • explore things from another’s perspective, giving insight into the people, lives and traditions of other cultures.


We emphasise listening, responding and speaking skills but we also develop reading and writing skills, to help the children gain an all-round understanding of the language. We use a multi-sensory and kinesthetic approach to teaching (introducing a physical element in games, role-playing and songs) to help reinforce memorisation. We promote the use of ICT in meaningful contexts for the development of communication skills.


French teaching at Holy Trinity is fully inclusive. Language learning activities are planned in such a way to encourage the full and active participation of all pupils. Work is differentiated appropriately to the needs of individual children. Pairs and groups for collaborative work may be formed in various ways, depending on the task.


Below is an overview of the progression of skills -

Useful Websites:

If you would like to contact the French Subject Leader, you can do so below: