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Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School home page

Holy Trinity Church of England
Primary School

Growing Tomorrow's Leaders

Behaviour at Holy Trinity



Welcome to our behaviour page where you will hopefully find lots of useful information to help provide you with more information on our approach to behaviour here at Holy Trinity.


Our Behaviour and Attitudes Lead is Mrs Hudson from the Senior Leadership Team.

Our Behaviour Policy has lots of information that may answer any questions you have:

You can find a pupil friendly version of our policy here:

Whole School Rules


You will see these displayed around our school. They are there to help remind us of the whole school rules here at Holy Trinity that everyone is expected to follow.

1. We always keep our hands and feet to ourselves.

We never hit, kick, spit at, slap, push or hurt anyone else.

2. We are always honest.

We never tell lies, cover up for other people’s lies or try and get other people into trouble.

3. We are always respectful and have good manners.

We never back chat, interrupt, shout out, talk when someone else is talking or argue with anyone.

4. We always listen to others and are kind to them.

We never bully, threaten, steal, shout, swear or name call

5. We always respect the school’s and other people’s property.

We never intentionally break anything, damage books or equipment or take other people’s things.

6. We are always calm and considerate in, around and out of school.

We never run, shout, push, barge into people.


As well as these, at the start of each school year, with their new class, the teachers will create with you your very own classroom rules that everyone agrees to follow, so if you are joining us during the school year, make sure your new teacher shows you these rules too!


Christian Values


Holy Trinity is a Church of England Primary School, this is very important to us. We have five Christian Values that are woven into everything we do here:


We try to make sure our behaviours reflect these values and to help keep them at the forefront of our minds, we have a Christian Value each term that we focus on and a child from each class wins the Christian Value badge if they are voted for by their peers for showing this value.

If you happen to misbehave in school, the adults will often ask which Christian Value was not being demonstrated and they help us to reflect on what we could do differently next time.


Good to be Green Scheme


Every classroom in our school has a Good to be Green chart. We like this because it rewards and promotes positive behaviour and it is very visual for all to see.


At the beginning of each school day, everyone has a green card with their name. Every day is a fresh start. You can keep a green card by your name by behaving well! If you keep a green card all week, you will get a sticker to go onto your class collector chart which is worth 3 House Points! If you stay green all term, you get entered into a raffle to win a special Holy Trinity notebook! And if you stay green for the whole school year, a huge achievement, you get entered into the raffle to have a chance of winning your very own kindle!


Other cards on the Good to be Green Chart include:


Stop and Think Card – this is a first warning to help you realise if you aren’t showing the right behaviours. This is your chance to put it right!

Warning Card – This is amber like a traffic light and will be placed by your name if you have maybe forgotten what behaviours we expect of you in school. With this card, you have the chance to correct your behaviours before receiving a consequence. After apologies and after you have shown the correct behaviours again, you can go back to having a green card. Teachers keep a little record of Amber cards so we can keep an eye out for any patterns.

Consequence Card – This is a red card that we do not like to see by a child’s name. This means that even after a warning your behaviours have continued or your behaviour was serious so you have been given a red card straight away. For this card, you would miss some of your next break time, this would be recorded on our log and your parents would be informed.

Exit Card – Luckily these cards are not used very often in our school, because this card means your behaviours have continued or you have severely misbehaved and you have been sent to another classroom to do your work. We would again speak to your parents about this.



We love to see good behaviour in our school, it makes us very happy!


Adults will always be looking for children they can praise and reward, we like to focus on catching people being good rather than continuously pick up on the negatives; we believe this helps remind other peoples what they should be doing and helps to improve their behaviours in a positive way.


Here are some examples of how we reward excellent behaviour at Holy Trinity:


House Points: Everyone belongs to one of our house teams. You can earn House Points through good behaviour, strong effort and positive attitudes. To keep it fair, the maximum number of House Points you can earn in one go is three, only Mrs Wall or Mrs Hunter can give you more at a time!


Class Gold Stars: You can get a class star by working really well together, showing good teamwork and communication, showing exemplary behaviour on a trip and for whole class achievements and behaviour. When a class reaches 10 stars this equals 15 minutes of Golden Time!


Headteacher / Deputy Headteacher Stickers: You can earn one of these for exceptional work or behaviour. You’ll be sent to the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher to receive a sticker worth 5 House Points!


Certificates: These are presented in our Friday Celebration Assembly. Someone from each class will be chosen to receive the certificate worth 5 House Points.


Good to be Green Raffle: Any adults who are not in class may notice brilliant behaviours, those playing nicely or showing our Christian Values. These adults may give a child a ticket which is placed in the jar in the hall ready for the raffle each Friday. The child whose ticket was chosen will receive a prize!


Responsibility: Those pupils who lead by example may be awarded a Leadership Role in our School whether that’s a Prefect, School Council Member or a Captain!


Prize Boxes: Each class has its very own prize box. Your class adults may decide you deserve a prize if you are demonstrating the correct behaviours, you have wonderful manners, you are putting lots of effort into your work or if you have impressed them in any other way.

And if you have anything you would like to feedback or any ideas please come and let us know!

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.


In February, we took 10 lucky children to London where they had the opportunity to complete the first step of their Anti-Bullying Ambassador training.

They had the most wonderful day with the team from The Diana Award exploring different types of bullying and what they can do to prevent this in our school. They are really excited to launch their projects in readiness to earn their Inclusion Badge. They have ideas on how to involve all of you guys too, so stay tuned!


Well done to Mokshitha, Aaron, Shalom, Summer, Greta, Bethany, Jason, Annaliese, Mia and Selena for representing our school so well and embarking on such an important journey.

They recently introduced themselves to the rest of the school and explained their role, take a look at the information they shared:

Young people can change the world!

Still image for this video
From our training with The Diana Award, we learn BSL for: Young people can change the world. Here we are demonstrating this after we taught it to the rest of the school.

Very soon they will be holding their first event: An Identity Fun Run.

This will be where children get the chance to complete a run on our field wearing something that makes them who they are. This could be something that represents their home country, their religion, their heritage or even their favourite things, all with the aim of helping everyone to accept others and our differences.

It was the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors idea! Stay tuned for updates...