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Holy Trinity Church of England
Primary School

Growing Tomorrow's Leaders

Term 3

This term, Year 4 will be learning about mountains. Our key question this term is "What is it like to climb Mount Everest?"


The pupils will learn about the different types of mountains, how they are formed and the climates around particular mountain ranges and their locations in the world. They will study Edmund Hillary and his famous expedition up Mount Everest, where they will then apply their knowledge into writing a biography on him. In Science, we are learning all about Electricity, so have arranged for Fizz Pop Science to come into school and deliver a fantastic workshop to each class to extend their learning.


If there is ever anything you would like to know about your child's learning or if you have any questions, please feel free to fill out the form on our home page.


Pupils: In order to take Accelerated Reader quizzes log-on here

Below is the homework tasks for this term. Please choose one to complete each week in your red books. Homework is handed out on Wednesday, and is due back into school on the Monday.


Year 4 will work on a spelling pattern for two weeks. At the end of the unit, the children will be tested on words which contain the pattern.


Weeks 5 and 6

Spelling Pattern Words: Adding mis- Revising dis-, un-, in- Examples include: disagree, invisible, unhappy, incomplete, incorrect, undo, unlock, disappear, disconnect, disappoint, misbehave, misread, mismatch.