Term 3
Term 3
Welcome back to Term 3!
RE - We will be learning about Humanism. We will be focusing on who Humanists are and how they live.
English - We will be reading ’The Bear and the Piano’ while learning about writing letters and playscripts. We will also be reading ‘Look up’ and learning about instructions and advertisement writing.
Maths - We will be learning about 2D and 3D shapes and their properties. We will be learning about money and comparing monetary amounts. We will also begin to learn about multiplication and division through grouping and sharing focusing on the 2 times table.
History- We will be learning about the Moon Landing and significant people who have visited the Moon.
Science - We will be continuing to learn about properties of materials and how they are used for different purposes.
Art - We will be learning about mono-print techniques while developing our drawing skills.
Computing - We will be developing coding and programming skills through working on Robot algorithms.
Music - We will be learning about the Ocarina. We will be developing our ability to play notes to help us to play a simple melody.
P.E. - We will be learning to throw, hit and catch a ball. We will also be developing Gymnastic skills.
PSHE - We will be looking at Dreams and Goals. We will be thinking about what we want to achieve and how we can achieve our goals.
Termly Plan Term 3
PE is on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Please make sure that your PE kit is in school ready for PE.
Earrings should not be worn on PE days.
PE Kit
Royal Blue polo or T-shirt.
This must be different from the shirt worn in the classroom
Blue or black plain shorts.
Black plimsolls, worn for indoor PE and Dance in the hall;
A spare pair of socks, kept only for PE;
Trainers, worn for outdoor PE and games on both the field and playground;
Tracksuit bottoms, worn for outdoor PE only.
Spellings will be put on the website every Monday and children will be tested the following Friday. Children should practice spellings weekly.