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Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School home page

Holy Trinity Church of England
Primary School

Growing Tomorrow's Leaders

History and Geography

History and Curriculum Intent (School Vision)


At Holy Trinity Primary School, we want children to develop an appreciation and a fascination for Local, British and World History. Children are encouraged to consistently ask why and use a range of resources that will bring history to life. Our curriculum contains a variety of topics which inspire and drive children towards a passion for a diversity of histories. 


For Geography, we feel it is important to nurture and encourage that natural curiosity, to shape and direct it to turn the children into inquisitive, questioning learners who look closely at the world around them and begin to be able to interpret what they see. As a whole school we look at countries around the world and learn about the similarities and differences between British culture and others.

We also aim to instil in children a sense of environmental responsibility and encourage them to understand environmental issues at a local and global level. 

We hope to motivate and inspire our children to find out about their world, both physical and human, so that they can take an active part in contributing to and protecting this world as they grow up.

How is the History and Geography curriculum implemented in our school?


At Holy Trinity, all of our topics are based on History and Geography and aim to provide children with several opportunities to enhance their historical and geographical knowledge. Our writing is also based around these topics. Below is the Progression of Concepts and Skills documents for the school which give a general overview of what your child will be taught during their time at Holy Trinity. Below this are the Medium Term Plans for History and Geography for each year group which go into more detail about what your child can expect to be taught in each topic. 

How do we measure the impact of our History and Geography curriculum? 


We measure the impact of our curriculum by: gaining pupil voice on childrens' enjoyment and retention of particular concepts, skills and topics; monitoring work produced by children during History and Geography lessons; and by following our progression of skills document.