Our Values
As a Church of England School, we have Christian Values that underpin everything that we do here at Holy Trinity.
Please see below for information on each of these.
British Values
Promoting Fundamental British Values.
In accordance with The Department for Education we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is "right" and "wrong", all people living in England are subject to its law.
The Key Values are:
- democracy
- rule of law
- individual liberty
- mutual respect
- tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
We are working on electing new British Value Leaders (as we have had in previous years) to represent these values in each class and each phase to set an example. We encourage our classes to vote for decisions using the class ballot box and use our class ballot boxes to vote for peers who have shown British Values.
Pupil Parliament
Pupil Parliament will be coming under way within our school.
The aim is to have our Pupil Parliament made up from the following leaders within the school:
- British Value Leaders
- School Council Representatives
- RE Ambassadors
- ECO Ambassadors
In previous years, the pupils introduced their 'parties' and what they would represent within the Parliament during worship to the whole school. Here are a few quotes from the representatives speeches:
- School Council Party:
"The baton to steer this council has now fallen into our hands and we promise that we will put all hands on deck by continuing the good work of our predecessors."
"In carrying out our duties of school council, we will consult and engage with our classmates to sample their opinions and approval in every matter."
- British Value Party:
"We will apply the British Values to any problem anyone has, so we can solve it as best as we can. Our party will make you happy by taking on board your thoughts and advice and by making the school fun"
- Religious Party
"Our party are going to put our thinking caps on and reflect the RE Ambassadors' point of view. We will also be judging all decisions on the Christian Values: Koinonia, Friendship, Service, Trust and Wisdom within the decisions we make.