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Holy Trinity Church of England
Primary School

Growing Tomorrow's Leaders

Break and Lunchtimes

As a school we are ecstatic to have received the Positive Playtime Award. We are very passionate about our children's playtimes. Mrs Hudson, the Midday Staff and the Play Leaders work really hard to ensure the activities set out will suit every child. There is something for everyone from quiet zones to dancing and football. The Circus Skills craze was a huge hit with a lot of children last week. 


It was stated that outstanding practice was seen, we are very proud of the positive feedback given along with the award.


The comments made from our stakeholders are as follows 


when we get lunchtimes right it has a 100% knock on into learning.’

behaviour incidents have reduced by approx. 80% plus

We are now meeting our 30% of daily activity in schools to meet the  Childhood Obesity Plan’

All my children have had issues with confidence until the positive playtime programme came along! It’s given my daughter a confidence boost and she is so much more confident.  She comes home talking about all the playground activities and she now plays lots of the games and activities that she’s learnt at school with her siblings.’

There’s so much diversity, no one is going to be left out.’

At Holy Trinity, we know just how important breaktimes and lunchtimes are to our pupils.

That is why we are constantly evolving what is available and on offer during these times; we want break and lunchtimes to be one of the happiest parts of our pupils' day.


Each year group has a bag of equipment they can use at their disposal each breaktime, but we also have the following activities available for all to enjoy:


-Table Tennis

-Table Football



-Snakes and ladders

-Connect 4



-Cars and tracks

-The running track

-Gym Equipment

-The Quiet Zone


-The Buddy Bench




Meet our Play Leaders.

Recently, all pupils in Yr 5 and Yr 6 had the chance to apply to become a Play Leader.


They each filled in an application form detailing why they felt they would be good for the role along with some games they would like to introduce.
I am pleased to announce that after a pupil and staff vote, the following pupils were appointed:

William Yr 5
Emilia Yr 5
Poppy Yr 5
Neave Yr 5
Zuzanna Yr 5
Isabelle Yr 5
Ralph Yr 5
Seraiah Yr 5
Faeezah Yr 5
Ire Yr 5
Demi Yr 5
Lora Yr 6
Mogilan Yr 6
Lulu Yr 6
Shreeya Yr 6
Maddie Yr 6
Zoe Yr 6
Hillary Yr 6
Annie Yr 6
Charlotte Yr 6

They have each received a certificate and a badge to wear with pride! Their duties will include leading games for their peers, monitoring the buddy bench to help ensure pupils always have someone to play with and running activities in our new play zones.

Congratulations guys!



One of their first jobs was to create an equipment bag for each year group to make use of during their breaktimes.

They worked together in groups to create an itinerary of items suitable for their allocated year group and deliver it to the classrooms.

Bi-weekly, they will check the equipment and restock if needed.

In February, our new Play Leaders received training from an external company to help them feel better equipped and inspired to lead a range of games and activities with the rest of the children.

They not only explored what their role looks like, but they delved into what makes a good leader, how to excel in their role and learnt a whole wealth of new activities and games that they tried out with some of our Year 2 pupils in the afternoon.

They are very excited to share and lead on what they have learnt with some of our younger pupils during break and lunchtimes!




-Our VIP table in the hall has been a huge hit with the children! Midday Supervisors keep their eyes peeled each week to spot children using wonderful table manners, treating others with respect and following the dining hall rules.

Each child selected gets to choose a friend to accompany them to the decorated VIP table where they golden plates, cutlery and cups to enjoy their lunch from.

Please see our Dining Hall rules below: