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Holy Trinity Church of England
Primary School

Growing Tomorrow's Leaders

Harvest Song

8. What The Harvest Brings - Backing Track.mp3

Let’s celebrate the food that we make
And try not to waste a thing.
Let’s always be grateful
To have a plateful
Of what the harvest brings.

Potatoes, peas and broccoli,
Mangetout and aubergine,
Tomatoes, turnips, watercress,
Courgettes and runner beans.

Let’s celebrate the food that we make
And try not to waste a thing.
Let’s always be grateful
To have a plateful
Of what the harvest brings.

Blackberries, chillies, chicory,
Cucumber, mushrooms, swede,
Kohlrabi, rhubarb, raspberries,
Carrots and celery.

Let’s celebrate the food that we make
And try not to waste a thing.
Let’s always be grateful
To have a plateful
Of what the harvest brings.

Spring onions, pumpkins, radishes,
Asparagus and pears.
There’s food enough for everyone
As long as we all share.

Let’s celebrate the food that we make
And try not to waste a thing.
Let’s always be grateful
To have a plateful
Of what the harvest brings.