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Holy Trinity Church of England
Primary School

Growing Tomorrow's Leaders

Term 4- Dinosaurs


This half term we will be learning about dinosaurs. We will be learning about different types of dinosaurs, how they became extinct and the difference between herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. We will learn about fossils and archaeology. In our provision areas we will have an archaeological dig, a dinosaur swamp, volcano building, a dinosaur small world tray.


PE this half term will be on a Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure full kits are in school for these days.


In Science, we will be starting our ‘Animals including humans’ topic. Children will learn to identify parts of the human body, and the senses that it uses. We will be learning to categorise animals and understand the differences between carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.


We are going to create our own dinosaur silhouette scenes. We began by exploring primary colours, and then worked on our blending techniques to create the backgrounds. 


In History, we will be learning about the fossil discoveries of Mary Anning. Children will explore what happened to the dinosaurs, and the reasons for their extinction. In addition, we will be looking at Mary Anning and the work of palaeontologists.


Children will develop their knowledge of the continents and oceans of the world. We will discuss animals at risk of extinction today and locate them on a world map. We will also look at rocks and how fossils are formed.


We will be continuing to work on our greetings and learning to count to 10 in French and how to say different colours.


This half term we will be focussing on understand doubles, subtractions, place value within 20 and measurement.