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Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School home page

Holy Trinity Church of England
Primary School

Growing Tomorrow's Leaders

Term 1 - The Great Fire of London

The Great Fire of London

We hope you have rested and had a wonderfull summer holiday filled with adventure and fun.

Get ready to return to school to continue your learning journey. Year 2 will be beginning their year of learning by looking at The Great Fire of London and how, even though a disastrous event, helped to cleanse the city of the dreaded plague! We will find about about Samuel Pepys and his diary, which helped provide the timeline of the fire's spread, and also Thomas Farriner, the British baker, whose bakery on Pudding Lane allegedly caused the The Great Fire of London. Pupils will learn all about how quickly the fire spread and what factors played a major role in how fast the flames traveled.  




Please make sure that your PE kit is in school ready for PE.

Earrings should not be worn on PE days.


PE Kit


Royal Blue polo or T-shirt.

This must be different from the shirt worn in the classroom

Blue or black plain shorts.

Black plimsolls, worn for indoor PE and Dance in the hall;

A spare pair of socks, kept only for PE;

Trainers, worn for outdoor PE and games on both the field and playground;

Tracksuit bottoms, worn for outdoor PE only.



Spellings will be put on the website every Friday and children will be tested the following Friday. Children should practice spellings weekly. Our next spelling test is on the:

Friday 20th September