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Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School home page

Holy Trinity Church of England
Primary School

Growing Tomorrow's Leaders

Term 1 - Dartford Through the Ages

PE Days


Our PE days for Barns Owls Class and Red Squirrels Class are Wednesday and Fridays. 

Please make sure to bring in your P.E kits so you can take part in the fun PE lessons we have planned. 

Homework Term 1

Home Reading


Phonics Reading Books:

Home reading books are invaluable in supporting your child to become fluent and confident readers. Reading books will be changed on Mondays. Please sign/initial once the book has been read and make sure that your child returns it so we can change their book – this ensures everyone has a chance to read the whole set.


Tips for reading at home:

  • Make predictions about the book
  • Talk about and identify the main character(s) and setting
  • Sequence the main events, retell the story with different endings
  • Discuss how characters feel at different times and why
  • Encourage children to think about how a character could say things to develop their expression



This year children will be expected to learn spellings as part of their phonics. Children have been given spelling groups and every Friday will be tested in these groups. 


These lists will be for the week commencing Monday 16th October 2023. This week, the children will be TESTED ON THURSDAY due to the inset day on Friday.


Group A (Mrs Sakhi) - ant, tap, mat, dad, and

Group B (Mrs Fox) - net, pet, set, jet, get

Group C (Miss Cheesman) - say, see, sigh, snow, soon, the

Group D (Miss Hutton) - high, night, right, fright, said

Group E (Ms Howe) - chair, hair, pair, third, bird, shirt, what